

If you’ve been wanting to straighten your teeth but don’t want to deal with the drawbacks of wearing metal braces, Invisalign® is for you. At her practice in Riverside, California, Dr Djafari, offers Invisalign to her patients who want to improve the alignment of their teeth and bite with discreet, comfortable, and convenient clear aligners. Schedule your appointment by phone or online and start straightening your teeth today.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a system of orthodontics that uses clear plastic aligners to straighten your smile. You wear your aligners all day, every day, but you can temporarily take them out during special occasions or whenever you need to eat, brush, or floss.

Invisalign offers a state-of-the-art alternative to patients who need or want to straighten their smile but don’t want to deal with the discomfort of traditional braces and the mouthful-of-metal look that they entail.

What problems can Invisalign fix?

Some of the conditions that Invisalign can correct include:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Widely spaced teeth

Invisalign can also treat malocclusions (issues with your bite) like:

  • Overbite
  • Crossbite
  • Underbite
  • Open bite

Invisalign is essentially effective in treating many of the same conditions as braces, but it does so with a more technologically advanced system.

Why should I get Invisalign?

Some of the advantages of straightening your smile with Invisalign include:


Your aligners are made from smooth, flexible, BPA-free plastic, so they feel very comfortable in your mouth and won’t tear up the insides of your cheeks the way that traditional bracket-and-wire braces do.


Because your Invisalign aligners are removable, you don’t have to invest in any special equipment to keep your teeth clean during your treatment. Simply pop out your aligners, brush, and floss with your regular equipment, and put them back in afterward.


The clear plastic of your aligners virtually disappears when you put them on your teeth, so nobody will know that you’re going through orthodontic treatment.

How do I start with Invisalign?

First, the team takes an impression of your mouth that they upload to a computer, turning it into a virtual model of your smile. They work with that model to calculate all of the moves that your teeth need to make in their journey to target alignment.

After they map out all of the steps that your teeth need to take, they send that information to a lab that turns each of the steps into a set of aligners. 

You wear each set of aligners for seven to ten days and then move on to the next set in your series. The amount of aligners you need varies from patient to patient.

Start straightening your smile with Invisalign today by calling the team’s office or booking a visit online.

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